Hats My Mother Wore– A program for women whose mothers have passed away. This workshop is a time for honoring and remembering mothers. The feelings associated with the loss of a mother and strategies for coping with grief are discussed. Attendees reminisce on the roles mothers play in their children’s lives during this creative and thought-provoking presentation.
Reeling in Grief: A Workshop for Men- Combines life lessons and grief-coping strategies with the relaxation of fishing. The workshop provides helpful information for living after a loss and highlights the differences between the ways men and women grieve.
Table for One: A Workshop for Widows and Widowers- This workshop helps widows and widowers cope with the feelings and experiences associated with the death of a spouse. Participants learn survival skills to help them cope with the significant loss.
The Climb: A Workshop to Help Youth Overcome Loss- This program is for youth ages 8 to 15 who have experienced a loss that has greatly affected their lives. Participants celebrate the lives of their loved ones, connect with peers facing similar experiences, create keepsakes in remembrance of their loved ones, and conquer physical obstacles - the rock-climbing tower at Great River Wellness Gym and an obstacle course - while learning how to conquer emotional barriers.
Tear Soup- Based on the book "Tear Soup," the workshop provides a better understanding of grief and many suggestions for working through grief and helping others with their grief. Participants learn how to perform the “art” of grieving and how to fill the void in life left by a loved one’s death.
Turkey, Tinsel, and Tears: Coping with Grief at the Holidays- Because events that once were anticipated with joy may become painful reminders that loved ones are no longer here to celebrate, this workshop helps people cope with loss during the holidays.
Please call 319-768-3350 for more information.