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Southeast Iowa Regional Medical Center to Host Welcome to Medicare Seminars

The Senior Health Insurance Information Program (SHIIP) will present two Welcome to Medicare seminars at Southeast Iowa Regional Medical Center this summer. The seminars will cover:

  • Medicare Parts A and B benefits
  • Prescription drug benefits (Part D)
  • Medicare Advantage plans
  • Medicare supplement insurance
  • Identifying Medicare fraud, errors and abuse

The two-hour seminars are offered at these times and locations:

5 p.m. Thursday, June 30

Blackhawk Room

1401 W. Agency Rd., West Burlington

Registration deadline: Monday, June 20

5 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 16

Willard Conference Room

5449 Avenue O, Fort Madison

Registration deadline: Monday, Aug. 8

To make a reservation, call 319-768-3342.

SHIIP is a free, confidential service of the State of Iowa that provides unbiased information to help Iowans make decisions about Medicare and other health coverage. People should enroll in Medicare as soon as they turn 65.

Appointments with volunteer SHIIP counselors are available at Southeast Iowa Medical Center in Fort Madison and West Burlington. To make an appointment, please call 319-768-3342.