Are you going to be eligible for Medicare soon? Have you been on Medicare for a while and want to better understand what it offers? Or perhaps you have a family member you help with Medicare issues? We have free resources to help you navigate the sea of health insurance information out there.
Great River Health offers free Welcome to Medicare seminars throughout the year that cover Medicare Part A and Part B benefits, prescription drug benefits (Part D), Medicare Advantage plans, Medicare supplement insurance, and identifying Medicare fraud, errors, and abuse.
Find Upcoming Welcome to Medicare Seminars.
Great River Health also offers free, confidential, one-on-one counseling to help make informed decisions about Medicare and other health coverage options through the Senior Health Insurance Information Program (SHIIP).
Created in 1999 by the State of Iowa's Insurance Division, SHIIP programs are staffed by well-trained volunteers to help seniors and their families find answers to important questions on Medicare, supplemental insurance, long-term care insurance, other health insurance issues, and Medicare prescription drug coverage. SHIIP offers unbiased information only and does not sell insurance.
In 2023 Great River Health's SHIIP Volunteers helped over 2000 people save over a million dollars in Medicare-related expenses.
Call for more information or set up an appointment with a SHIIP counselor:
319-385-6774 for appointments at Henry County Health Center
319-768-3342 for appointments in Fort Madison, Keokuk, or West Burlington
Or click here to schedule an appointment with a SHIIP Counselor.
SHIIP counselors can help you:
Enroll in and understand your Medicare benefits and rights, including supplemental coverage.
Sign up for Social Security benefits.
Qualify for free and reduced drug plans from pharmaceutical companies.
Assess your needs so you can make informed decisions about your level of coverage.
Compare and evaluate Medicare supplement and long-term care insurance policies.
Compare and evaluate Medicare prescription drug coverage plans.
Organize your medical bills, and Medicare statements, and file claims.
Find assistance from other agencies, including Medicaid, when it's appropriate.
Medicare Open Enrollment is when you can enroll in, change, or drop plan coverage for the coming year. The Medicare annual enrollment period is from Tuesday, October 15 to Saturday, December 7, 2024. Volunteers for the State of Iowa’s Senior Health Insurance Information Program (SHIIP) are accepting appointments during this period to help Medicare participants at offices in Mount Pleasant. Our SHIIP offices in Keokuk, Fort Madison, and West Burlington are fully booked for all available appointment times. You can contact the SHIIP office and ask to be placed on the waitlist or to be referred to the state SHIIP/SMP office.
To compare plans, you can go to www.medicare.gov and use the plan comparison tool. A preview of the 2025 options is now available. You can also call 1-800-633-4227 after October 15 through December 7 for the annual Open Enrollment period.
For more information about Medicare, visit www.medicare.gov