Healthcare providers may need to see what's happening inside their bodies to accurately diagnose and treat patients. Medical imaging technology allows them to view a patient's internal condition, determine effective treatments, and provide the best possible care. Our Diagnostic Imaging Department, radiologic technologists and radiologists use innovative technologies to help our medical team evaluate, diagnose, and treat patients.
A provider may recommend medical imaging if they feel it is necessary to better understand a patient's condition.
Great River Health offers the most advanced breast imaging and a more comfortable patient experience. Breast tomosynthesis, often referred to as 3-D mammography, allows doctors to see masses and distortions associated with cancers and precancerous cells significantly more clearly than conventional 2-D mammography. Instead of viewing all of the complexities of breast tissue in a flat image, as with traditional 2-D mammography, fine details are more visible with 3-D imaging and no longer hidden by the surrounding tissue.
A 3-D mammography exam is very similar to having a traditional 2-D mammogram. Like a 2-D mammogram, the technologist will position the patient, compress the breast, and take images from different angles. However, with the 3-D mammogram, the radiologist can see finer details throughout the breast, with the procedure taking less than 10 seconds. In addition, 3-D acquires more images per exposure giving the radiologist more information and it has superior diagnostic accuracy for all breast types. Very low x-ray energy is used during the exam, with the total patient dose being well within the FDA safety standards for mammography.
In addition to mammography, ABUS has been shown to improve breast cancer detection by 35.7% for women with dense breast tissue. It is a comfortable and relatively short examination without additional radiation that usually can be done on the same day as your mammogram. Ask your healthcare provider if ABUS would be beneficial to you.
Bone Density Testing, also called bone DEXA scanning, is used as a screening tool to detect osteoporosis by measuring bone mass. Osteoporosis puts you at increased risk for fractures, and bone densitometry is recommended for people with specific medical conditions who meet certain criteria. It is also necessary for those currently being treated for osteoporosis, for instance, if your doctor wants to check if your therapy is working. DEXA works like an X-ray and uses a tiny dose of ionizing radiation so your doctor can see inside the body, usually the lower spine and hips, to measure bone mass. The test is quick, simple, and noninvasive and requires little or no special preparation.
CT scans are a type of diagnostic imaging test using X-ray equipment and sophisticated computers to produce cross-section images from inside the body. These detailed images can include the bones, muscles, fat, organs, and blood vessels. These scans can often detect the smallest abnormalities and are relatively safe. CT scans are interpreted by radiologists to easily diagnose many health conditions, from cancer to musculoskeletal disorders and many other diseases. Learn More
During cardiac calcium scoring testing, patients lie down on their backs and are scanned in a computed tomography (CT) unit. Special images are taken of the heart while the patient holds his or her breath for about 20 seconds. Special cardiac-scoring software measures the amount of calcium in coronary arteries. Radiologists interpret the information and send the results to the patient’s healthcare provider within a week after the test. Learn more
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a noninvasive medical test that helps physicians diagnose and treat medical conditions. MRI equipment uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses, and a computer to produce detailed pictures of organs, soft tissues, bones, and virtually all other internal body structures. The images can then be examined on a computer monitor, transmitted electronically, printed, or copied to a CD. MRI does not use ionizing radiation (x-rays).
Nuclear Medicine uses low, safe amounts of radiation to highlight areas of a patient's body where a special dye has been introduced. Great River Health offers this medical imaging test to diagnose or treat many types of diseases, from cancers to heart disease, and specific bodily abnormalities. These scans can guide your doctor in diagnosing diseases of the thyroid, bones, lungs, liver, gallbladder, or heart. It works by using small amounts of radioactive tracers that produce images in the body. These images show your doctor the structure and function of the areas being examined to aid in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and disorders. During a nuclear medicine test, you will ingest or be injected with a radionuclide. You will be scanned by a special gamma camera to record the radioactivity of specific organs with the assistance of special computer technology. Your Physicians will analyze these reports to make a diagnosis or to determine appropriate treatment.
PET scans use low amounts of radiation to create internal images of a patient. In this case, a tracker (an injection or gas) is injected into the patient, allowing the PET scanner to get images where the tracker releases gamma rays. PET scans are used to evaluate bodily functions, such as chemical reactions and metabolism.
Ultrasound imaging, also called ultrasound scanning or sonography, involves exposing part of the body to high-frequency sound waves to produce pictures of the inside of the body.
US can produce better images of certain "soft" tissues than X-rays do because ultrasound distinguishes one form of tissue from another. Ultrasound can also show internal motion such as blood flowing through veins, the heart beating, etc. Ultrasound does not involve the use of X-rays and is a safe procedure.
Ultrasound exams do not use ionizing radiation. Because ultrasound images are captured in real time, they can show the structure and movement of the body’s internal organs, as well as blood flowing through blood vessels. Ultrasound imaging is a noninvasive medical test that helps physicians diagnose and treat medical conditions.
Conventional X-rays can be used to help identify disease or injury to the body including heart and lung disease, bone fractures, and digestive system disease. There are different types of diagnostic X-rays, including:
Still images of parts of the body at work are taken; for instance, the esophagus can be seen as the patient swallows.
Motion picture taken of organs at work, used primarily for the heart.
Two X-rays from slightly different angles, giving three-dimensional images.