Depending on the type of surgery/procedure you are having, and what type of anesthetic you will receive, you may need to have some pre-op testing performed. This may include blood tests, EKG, chest X-ray, or other X-rays. If you are a woman, you will need to have a pregnancy test done unless you have had a hysterectomy, or tubal ligation, or are past menopause. It is preferred that all tests be completed 2-3 days before surgery.
Your surgeon will give you a folder with several items enclosed. Please bring this folder with you both when you have pre-op testing done and when you come for surgery. Inside the packet is a Patient Questionnaire that you need to complete before coming for surgery. There are also bathing instructions and surgery instructions that your surgeon will review with you. A map of HCHC is also included, as well as pre-op testing orders.
Your physician will schedule you as an Outpatient or an Inpatient depending on the type of surgery you will be having. Most of our patients come into the hospital on the day of surgery and are admitted through our Ambulatory Surgery Unit (ASU). If you are scheduled as an Inpatient, you will also be admitted through the ASU and will be transferred to the Medical-Surgical Unit after your surgery. If you are an Outpatient, you will return to the ASU after surgery and be discharged when the surgeon feels you are ready. You may be required to stay overnight if there is a delay in your recovery process.
Once your surgeon has scheduled you for surgery, you may receive a call from registration for billing information. You will also receive a call from the Pre-op Surgery Nurse, or ASU nurse at least 1-3 days before your scheduled day of surgery. The nurse will verify your medical history, review your medications, and verify your time of arrival at the hospital.
On the day of surgery, please arrive at the time you were instructed to and be sure to bring along the following information: