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Surgery Pre-Op Instructions

For patients undergoing a surgical procedure, please review the following pre-op checklist:

  1. If you drink liquor, beer, or wine, stop drinking at least two days before surgery.
  2. Do not eat or drink anything (as reminded earlier) after midnight the night before surgery, unless your pre-op nurse informed you otherwise.
  3. Take any medications if you were instructed to by the preop nurse during your pre-op phone call.
  4. If you develop a fever, cold, rash, or anything that may be of concern to you, call your doctor or the ASU department before your Surgery at 319-385-6171.
  5. Have someone to drive you home and stay with you for at least 24 hours. We cannot discharge you without a responsible driver.
  6. Bring your Advanced Medical Directive if you have one.
  7. If you use tobacco products, stop or at least cut down before surgery, and NO tobacco use after midnight. Your procedure will be canceled if you smoke or chew tobacco.
  8. Call 319-385-6171 or your surgeon if you have any questions.

Although your surgeon may have discussed a particular anesthetic option, you may require additional anesthetic agents. Therefore, please do not eat, drink, smoke, or chew tobacco after midnight, unless instructed by your pre-op nurse during your pre-op phone call. Following are instructions for patients who will be undergoing a surgical procedure that involves an incision. If you have any questions, please call either your surgeon or the ASU department at 319-385-6171.

It is recommended that surgical patients perform a shower or bath both the evening before surgery and the morning of surgery.

  • For some procedures, you will receive 2 Chlorhexidine scrub brushes from your surgeon. If you do not receive these, please stop at the Ambulatory Surgery Department and we will give them to you.
  • The night before surgery, take a shower or bath and wash using the sponge side of the scrub brush, being sure to focus on the part of the body that will be operated on.
  • Repeat the shower or bath the morning of surgery, before going to the Hospital.
  • DO NOT shave or remove hair at this time. This will be done at the hospital before surgery if necessary.
  • If you have any questions, please call the Ambulatory Surgery Department at 319-385-6171.